Contesting Place in a Post-colonial Space

(Re)colonizing Tradition

A Pedestrian Guide to a "Traditional" City

Welcome to Bhaktapur

[1] The Tea Stall at Guhepukhu

[2] Nava Durga Chitra Mandir

[3] Khauma Square

[4] Tourist Motor Park

[5] Indrani Pitha

[6]Lasku Dhwakha Gate

[7]Char Dham

[8]Cafe de Temple

[9]Batsala Temple

[10] Batsala Temple

[11] City Hall

[12] The Procession Route

[13] Pujari Math

[14] The Peacock Restaurant

[15] Sewage Collection Ponds

[16] Bhairavanath Temple

Visit Nepal Year (VNY 98)

By the mid-1990s tourism was again lagging. The year 1998 marked Visit Nepal Year (VNY 98 ) This was a massive effort by the Nepali government, the Civil Aviation Ministry, and tourist organizations to revitalize the nationšs tourist industry. Along with posters, monthly calendars, logo stickers, and a newsletter, the bureau published brochures and leaflets. These included one in Hindi ( Jankpur Dham> ), thirty-nine in Nepali, and eighty in English. "Nepal Guides" were also published in German, Japanese, and Russian. There was also electronic media, which included three videos, as well as 236 spots about sports on Star TV, a CBS TV Everest Challenge, a series by Scandinavian Broadcasting, and a SARC seminar and exhibition on poverty alleviation through women entrepreneurship. The VNY 98 publications can be divided into two main groups, "promotion" and "off-stage management."


Mandala Map

Tourist Map


Tour Map

Durbar Square

Tacapa Map



Key | Bibliography | Maps

Š 2001 Gregory Price Grieve , Site design by GDL Historical Laboratories. .